Category Archives: Women’s Charter Singapore

Singapore Divorce-Rape Laws (Robin Williams Case Study)

I’m sure by now everybody would have heard that Robin Williams committed suicide on August 11, 2014 at the age of 63 years old.. Well, the mainstream media has pointed out his depression as the root cause of his suicide. But people do not spontaneously get depression for no reason.

Before we look at go into his case and subsequently look at the divorce situation in Singapore, lets look at the list of the man’s life achievements to have an idea of how awesome he was.

10 x Oscards

1 x Academy Award

2 x Emmys (6 nominations)

5 x Grammys

6 x Golden Globes (6 nominations)

5 x American Comedy Awards

13 X United States Organisation (USO) Tours

In case you guys don’t know what USO is…

The United Service Organizations Inc. is a nonprofit organization that provides programs, services and live entertainment to United States troops and their families.

So basically, Robin Williams travelled all the way to war-torn countries (think Afghanistan, Iraq) where American soldiers are deployed, just to entertain and take their minds away from the suffering of war, even if just for a few minutes.



He could have stayed, safe and secured, in the USA and live out his life in relative luxury. But instead, he risked his lives even when other celebrities turned down the offer, just to go entertain the troops. He didn’t have to.

Having appreciated how talented and fucking selfless he was, we can now examine why he had a clinical case of depression…

Ex-wife 1 AKA Valerie Valardi

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Long story short, he married her in 1978 and divorced her in 1988. A pre-nuptial agreement may have been signed. They were married for 10 years and According to California Divorce Laws (worst place for a rich guy to get married), that’s the minimum number of years a couple has to spend before the wife is eligible for lifetime/permanent alimony. Yes guys, you heard it right. PERMANENT ALIMONY.

Permanent alimony, sometimes referred to as “long-term support,” is a regular support payment from the payor spouse to the supported spouse. Unlike temporary alimony, which is paid to help the supported spouse meet expenses during the divorce, permanent alimony is granted in order to place the supported spouse at or near the “marital standard of living” (the financial standard of living established during the marriage) after the divorce.

For marriages over ten years, there’s no hard-and-fast rule for figuring out how long alimony should last. Judges will consider various factors in order to place the supported spouse in a position as close as possible to the marital standard of living, until that spouse can reasonably become self-supporting.

You might be thinking, it’s not so bad…Robin Williams probably had to pay $3000-5000/ month so that her wife has her basic needs met. WRONG! It’s actually closer to $50,000 a month. Some of us don’t even make that much in a freaking year.

Anyway did anyone catch “…until that spouse can reasonably become self-supporting” in the quote above? Turns out ex-wife 1 did not re-marry and did not find a job. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out that if she were to do so, the monthly payments would either stop completely or drop substantially. So that means Robin Williams had to pay $50,000 X 12 months X 26 years (2014 to 1988) = $16,200,000.


He supported her for 2.5 times the duration they were married for. Where the fuck is the justice in that. Why doesn’t anyone care that the wife is financially raping him all these years.

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Just take it all

Not having yet felt the pain of paying the parasite that once was his wife for years, Robin Williams chose to marry another woman just a year after the divorce was finalised.

Ex-wife 2 AKA Marsha Garces

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Long story short, he married her in 1989 and they were divorced in 2010. She filed for divorce due to ‘irreconcilable differences’. What’s new? Anyway, there there aren’t any evidence on how much RW is paying his 2nd wife. Let’s put it at a ballpark figure of $100,000 / month (since he was with this slag for a good 7 years longer than the previous one). Damage: $100,000 X 12 months X 4 years (2014-2010) = $4,800,000.

That’s about $20 million paid in total to the ex-wives. It doesn’t matter how much Robin Williams makes (despite the fact that the man will gradually slow down and make less movies/productions/tv shows as he ages and eases into the retirement he so richly deserves) in years after the divorces. In fact the monetary compensation from the divorces left Robin Williams close to bankruptcy. Lifetime alimony is just wrong because it does not give the woman any initiative to stand on their own two feet and making a fucking living for themselves (child support can continue until the children reach 18). Do they really need that kind of money even after all these years? Can’t they make their own money or least stop leaching money off from Robin Williams.

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Anyway, lets look at the marriage / divorce situation in Singapore. Marriages and consequently, divorces are managed by this very aptly named statute, the Women’s Charter. According to my favourite organisation in Singapore (in case you didn’t already know, it’s AWARE), the name of the statute has no bearing on the way it treats the sexes i.e it practices equality towards both the sexes in the laws / policies it mandates. Let’s see what AWARE has to say about the Women’s Charter shall we.

However, the content of the Women’s Charter is not just about protecting women and conferring them with one-sided rights (RPD: Glad you managed to admit that). The Charter essentially covers every conceivable aspect of marital and family law, from registration and dissolution of marriages, division of matrimonial assets, to maintenance provisions and the welfare of children.

So, really, the more appropriate name for this Act is the Family Charter.

Huhhh…so a statute that is skewed towards protecting the interests of women and says nothing nothing about men except when extracting resources from them is totally considered a ‘Family Charter’ eh? How does the Women’s Charter describes itself then.

An Act to provide for monogamous marriages and for the solemnization and registration of such marriages; to amend and consolidate the law relating to divorce, the rights and duties of married persons, the protection of family, the maintenance of wives and children and the punishment of offences against women and girls; and to provide for matters incidental thereto.

Holy Fucking Balls. It’s almost like the Singapore government don’t care about men?! But are Singaporean men aware of this inherently sexist piece of legislation and choose not to get married in Singapore? Lets look at the statistics.

Seems like the number of marriages and particularly divorces have remained fairly constant through the years in Singapore from 2008 to 2013. Meh. I can’t draw anything noteworthy from that. But what is interesting though, is which gender is initiating the divorces in Singapore these past few years.

Approximately two-thirds of divorces are initiated by women. That should frighten you right off the bat. Women are taking advantage of a legislation that favours them to abandon the vows they took and make off with half the matrimonial assets and alimony. And also notice that the median duration of marriage for divorces has been dropping over the years. That means Singaporeans have about 11 years of ‘blessed’ married life before both sides punch out. But the opposite seems to be true for the Minahs and Mats. Their marriages have been lasting longer. Interesting. Sidetrack: Could it be that Malay guys are getting more and more into fat Minahs (cause we all know they are slim and fuckable before marriage but balloon into a buffalo after the first kid)

So in conclusion, when thinking about getting down on your knees and popping the question to your precious girlfriend in Singapore or the western nations, think very very carefully because there’s a very good chance she will be the one to end things with you. And take half your wealth immediately and slowly but surely financially rape you till you choose to end things.

Sorry for the long post. Hope you guys enjoyed the rant. Till next time,


Why Feminism and AWARE is a joke. (Part 2)

However, the content of the Women’s Charter is not just about protecting women and conferring them with one-sided rights.

Really Corinna? Well then, lets look at the so-called content shall we? Under Part VII of Protection of Family in Charter these are the provisions,

The court may, upon satisfaction on a balance of probabilities that family violence has been committed or is likely to be committed against a family member and that it is necessary for the protection of the family member, make a protection order restraining the person against whom the order is made from using family violence against the family member.

Even violence that has not been committed can still be punished. I know it sounds familiar…you’re thinking about Minority Report.

Too bad we do not have this in the world yet.
Tom Cruise looks like he disapproves of false allegations

Of course against men with known history of violence, this provision should be used. But is anything being done to prevent the abuse of this statute. If I were say…an angry, spiteful woman who just wants my soon to be ex-husband out of the house all I have to do is just file for a Personal Protection Order (PPO) against him even though no actual violence has actually occurred yet. Guess how much does it cost to issue a summons to get the guy to court to file for a Personal Protection Order against him. $SGD 1. Yes, 1 buck.

To buy an apple pie or to file summons. Hmmm
To buy an apple pie or to file summons. Hmmm

When it’s time to go to court and if I (still being the woman) decide to change my mind, all I have to do is just…well not go! If the person the summons are addressed to (the ex-husband) decides not to go to court…he could end up in jail!

Whats more, if I take fancy to having house to myself and do not want my fat ass husband to come back for the near future I could file a Domestic Exclusion Order against him. 

the granting of the right of exclusive occupation to any protected person of the shared residence or a specified part of the shared residence by excluding the person against whom the order is made from the shared residence

Sounds like a good deal doesn’t it. Lock your husband up and get the house in the process (temporarily until divorce proceedings end) so you can bring your new lover on board.

Next up we have my favorite part, Chapter VIII Maintenance of Wife and Children

Any married woman whose husband neglects or refuses to provide her reasonable maintenance may apply to a District Court or a Magistrate’s Court and that Court may, on due proof thereof, order the husband to pay a monthly allowance or a lump sum for her maintenance.

This is fair when considering that in the past, most wives were homemakers and thus have not worked at all and have been depending on the husband’s income for their basic amenities. Women’s Charter allowed these women to get their issues recognized and dealt with. Fast forward to the 21st century, and you get just as many women working as men at roughly the same pay (will talk about this in the next post). There are no limitations to the kinds of job you can get as a woman unless of course, its a penis model. It is rare to find a stay-at-home mum since sustaining a decent-average lifestyle in Singapore requires at least the incomes of 2 people for the average Singaporean household.

This being the case, why is there a still an out-dated provision that clearly favors getting alimony or a divorce settlement OUT of a man. I do not see anywhere in the same provision manimony being mandated to be paid to the man. It’s like the Singapore government and society in general do not ever expect women to earn more than men. SEXIST!!! 

Where's my newspaper bitch!
You forgot the newspaper, bitch!

AWARE, Singapore’s foremost authority on gender equality (hahaha), seeing this clear case of sexism has jumped to the defense of men with the below:

AWARE recommends that the Women’s Charter be amended to provide that in appropriate cases, where it is just and equitable, husbands should have right to seek maintenance from their wives, both during marriage and after the divorce. Examples of such situations include cases where the husband is sick or incapacitated and has been dependent on his wife

…legislators must be mindful that this change should not be abused to allow irresponsible husbands who have not pulled their weight either at work or at home to make use of the amended provision to get maintenance for themselves…

Wow. So husbands will be only eligible for maintenance if they a) are unable to work due to medical reasons or b) have performed quality housework. Can we apply this to women too? If the housewife does not do enough house work, she would not be entitled to maintenance or just less of it right? Am I detecting the whiff of feminist bullcrap.

Wonder why they get this rep? bullcrap?

My friends, this Women’s Charter allows the government-sanctioned transfer of assets to women, most of who in this day and age do not deserve it. Does Kobe’s wife deserve to end up with $225 million dollars worth of assets when she did not even make a single layup or alley hoop? Kobe might have cheated on her and he should be punished but is it fair if HALF of whatever he’s earned with his sweat and blood be given to a woman whose only achievement is that she managed to marry Kobe? Do they need that kind of money to go about their everyday life?!

Some might say that maintenance is required because the wife needs to sustain the kind of lifestyle she had while married. She needs that $7000 shoe by jimmyshoos or that $78234 handbag by bvldfda and definitely needs to get her spas, haircuts and manicure done by the most expensive place in town eh? In that case, the husband should also be entitled to the kind of sex life he had while he was married doesn’t he. A court-mandating that the ex-wife continually perform the same sexual acts on the husband monthly, as if they were married would be a start =). Sexual Maintenance Act, is what I’ll call it.

Never to worry my friends. It’s not like maintenance is a life long burden right. Even though the marriage ended due to her cheating and after having paying the greedy bitch for a few years, I can stop giving her my hard-earned money right. Just a few years only right?!

Usually the period of maintenance will last until the wife or the husband dies or the wife remarries.

Caption says it all
Caption says it all

I know the average men does not earn as much as Kobe Bryan did but the point I’m trying to make is that the current legislation can and have been abused by women to steal men’s assets. But wait! According to the media, most women are the kind, gentle, effeminate and compassionate lovable creatures that they are. Oh no my friend. You’ll be sadly mistaken on so so so so many accounts.

It is clear that the Women’s Charter is anti-male, misandric (why does fucking WordPress underline misandric in red as if the word does not exist…there’s no line for misogyny) and clearly favors women. So what if you’re a man and you despite my best advice want to get married, you are kinda screwed by this act in the event that the marriage ends up in divorce, 64% of which are initiated by females. To prevent getting raped the least by the act, here are a few steps to follow to mitigate damage.

1. Convert to Islam and marry cause it’ll be governed under the Muslim Law and Sharia Court. 

2. Get a pre-nuptial to protect your assets as much as possible

3. Don’t get married in the first place.

4. Don’t get married.

edit: Give this woman a medal. Not sure about men being able to cry whenever they want though lol